TOA Canada - Webinar Schedule
  • notification de masse, urgence, évacuation, messagerie, alertes, météo, affichage à l'écran, Everalert, toalert, toa canada, affichage visuel, dynamique, vue, intégrateur, école, radiomessagerie, système de communication, annonce publique, PA
  • TOA Canada, complexes sportifs, centre communautaire, aréna, communication, systèmes de radiomessagerie, sonorisation, systèmes de sonorisation, haut-parleurs, solution, système de son, sonorisation d'aréna
  • TOA Canada, interphone IP, interphone, SIP, sous-station, maître, échange, sécurité, déclencheur, éducation, école, intégration, n-8000, N-SP80, platine de rue, Canada, contrôle d'accès,
  • haut-parleurs, alimentation, line array, array, TOA Canada, salle, système de son, arène, concert, église, mosquée, temple, lieu de culte, Infrastructure, projet, ingénieur, mince, fin, long, support mural
  • Municipalité, salle du conseil, salle de conférence, système de conférence, vote, mise en sourdine, infrarouge, microphone, délégué, président, mairie

Webinar Schedule

Webinars will occur on the second Tuesday of each month and are absolutely FREE. Webinars are presented over the internet, and all you will need to participate is a computer with internet access and a phone line, or computer speakers.

Webinar Overview:
Second Tuesday of each month
Duration: 60 minutes
Location: Internet
Time: 1PM EST
(Other Time Zones: Pacific: 10AM; Mountain: 11AM; Central: 12PM; Eastern: 1PM; Atlantic: 2PM; Newfoundland: 2:30PM)

Webinar Schedule






NEW - A-800D Digital Mixer Amplifier

Features & Beneftis / applications, connection inputs

Tuesday, 9

Mass Notification Systems for Education and Inftrastructure Projects. 

Equipment and System design, Product overview, Solutions

Tuesday, 13
Schedule subject to change.
To register, please send in this registration form. (Please provide: Company name, # of people attending, names of people attending, phone number, e-mail address, webinar date)
Confirmation and instructions will be emailed to you the morning of the event.
Space is limited, so be sure to register early!