TOA Canada - Anita Sandhu Promoted to Purchasing Manager
  • notification de masse, urgence, évacuation, messagerie, alertes, météo, affichage à l'écran, Everalert, toalert, toa canada, affichage visuel, dynamique, vue, intégrateur, école, radiomessagerie, système de communication, annonce publique, PA
  • TOA Canada, complexes sportifs, centre communautaire, aréna, communication, systèmes de radiomessagerie, sonorisation, systèmes de sonorisation, haut-parleurs, solution, système de son, sonorisation d'aréna
  • TOA Canada, interphone IP, interphone, SIP, sous-station, maître, échange, sécurité, déclencheur, éducation, école, intégration, n-8000, N-SP80, platine de rue, Canada, contrôle d'accès,
  • haut-parleurs, alimentation, line array, array, TOA Canada, salle, système de son, arène, concert, église, mosquée, temple, lieu de culte, Infrastructure, projet, ingénieur, mince, fin, long, support mural
  • Municipalité, salle du conseil, salle de conférence, système de conférence, vote, mise en sourdine, infrarouge, microphone, délégué, président, mairie
11-Feb-2011 11:00am

Anita Sandhu Promoted to Purchasing Manager

TOA Canada Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of Anita Sandhu to Purchasing Manager. Mrs. Sandhu is responsible for TOA’s inventory management, Warehouse and Customer Service Departments.

Starting her career at TOA as a part time employee in Customer Service, Mrs. Sandhu has been with TOA for over 8 years in a number of roles preparing her for her new responsibilities as Purchasing Manager. Please join us in wishing Anita Sandhu continued success as part of the TOA Canada Corporation Management Team.

Anita Sandhu Promoted to Purchasing Manager