TOA Canada - Louis Thomas Achieves CSP Designation
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  • TOA Canada, complexes sportifs, centre communautaire, aréna, communication, systèmes de radiomessagerie, sonorisation, systèmes de sonorisation, haut-parleurs, solution, système de son, sonorisation d'aréna
  • TOA Canada, interphone IP, interphone, SIP, sous-station, maître, échange, sécurité, déclencheur, éducation, école, intégration, n-8000, N-SP80, platine de rue, Canada, contrôle d'accès,
  • haut-parleurs, alimentation, line array, array, TOA Canada, salle, système de son, arène, concert, église, mosquée, temple, lieu de culte, Infrastructure, projet, ingénieur, mince, fin, long, support mural
  • Municipalité, salle du conseil, salle de conférence, système de conférence, vote, mise en sourdine, infrarouge, microphone, délégué, président, mairie
17-March-2011 12:00pm

Louis Thomas Achieves CSP Designation

Louis Thomas, Regional Sales ManagerTOA Canada Corporation is pleased to announce that Louis Thomas, Regional Sales Manager for Eastern Canada, has successfully achieved the Certified Sales Professional (CSP) Designation. To earn a CSP designation, Mr. Thomas was required to successfully complete a comprehensive Professional Selling Skills course and pass both the written and oral certification exams.

The Canadian Professional Sales Association (CPSA) is Canada’s leader in developing and serving sales professionals by providing programs and benefits that help them sell more, and sell smarter.

To become a CSP, Mr. Thomas was required to have relevant years of sales experience and complete a formalized education/training program. The CSP training program is a comprehensive study of key selling skills. The mission of the CSP is “To enhance the value and credibility of the sales profession through the setting of professional standards and certification." The skills covered have proven to be the areas which consistently distinguish top sales performers from others in their industry. The CSP designation identifies Mr. Thomas as an individual who is committed to continuing education, their careers, and ultimately their customers.

Louis Thomas is TOA Canada Corporation’s fourth person to achieve CSP designation. Please join TOA Canada Corporation in congratulating Louis Thomas on his CSP designation.