TOA Canada - TOA Canada Welcomes Rick Richardson to BC!
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  • TOA Canada, complexes sportifs, centre communautaire, aréna, communication, systèmes de radiomessagerie, sonorisation, systèmes de sonorisation, haut-parleurs, solution, système de son, sonorisation d'aréna
  • TOA Canada, interphone IP, interphone, SIP, sous-station, maître, échange, sécurité, déclencheur, éducation, école, intégration, n-8000, N-SP80, platine de rue, Canada, contrôle d'accès,
  • haut-parleurs, alimentation, line array, array, TOA Canada, salle, système de son, arène, concert, église, mosquée, temple, lieu de culte, Infrastructure, projet, ingénieur, mince, fin, long, support mural
  • Municipalité, salle du conseil, salle de conférence, système de conférence, vote, mise en sourdine, infrarouge, microphone, délégué, président, mairie
11-July-2012 2:00pm

TOA Canada Welcomes Rich Richardson to BC!

Rick RichardsonTOA Canada Corporation, manufacturer of commercial audio products, is pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Rick Richardson , C.Tech, who will be responsible for the British Columbia sales region. Mr. Richardson brings with him over 30 years of technical sales experience in the industrial video and audio markets. He has a passion for electronics and has made both a career and hobby out of it. Mr. Richardson will be located in the greater Vancouver area.

"I would like to personally welcome Mr. Richardson to TOA Canada Corporation. I am excited to work with such a seasoned sales professional." Stated Rico Lucia, CSP, National Sales Manager.

Don't forget, TOA offers Extended Technical Support Hours from 5:30am until 5pm PST.